How to Improve Your Mood (8 Simple Ways)

6. Stand up and look at the sky

Metaphorically, speaking, standing up means to be assertive, to say what you want, to say an intended “yes” and a decisive “no”.

However, did you know that taking this expression (stand up tall) literally, gets you out of a bad mood instantly? When you stand up and look at the sky (or ceiling), your mind can’t “produce” negative thoughts or emotions.

People who try this simple exercise are astonished by the results and try it, again and again, to test if it doesn’t lose its power over time. But, come back to the same effect each time – no negative thoughts or emotions.

To amplify the effect of this exercise, you can also:

    1. With your palms open, raise your hands in the victory sign and say loudly: Yes!
    2. Make a fist and with your fist closed, put your hands on your waist (like Superman or Wonder Woman)

You might believe that we learn from seeing others these two ways of expressing our contentment. Yet, studies show that even blind people who are born unable to see, are doing them to celebrate victory or to feel more powerful.

These two body posture sends a strong message to your brain:

  • “I am powerful.”
  • “I am confident and capable of overcoming whatever life puts in front of me.”
  • “I am the hero of my life.”
  • “I am looking forward.”
  • “I care about myself.”
  • “I am/ I’ll be victorious.”
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