How to Improve Your Mood (8 Simple Ways)

4. Take a quick cold bath

Cold (room temperature) water is shocking your system. You can’t think of almost anything else other than how to get faster out of it.

In a few short minutes, your mind clears up what is bothering you, and then, distancing yourself from the problem, you can easily find a solution.

Note: that a quick cold bath is not for everyone (medical conditions like heart or kidney problems, for example), and for that reason, consult your doctor before taking the plunge in cold water. 

5. Dance

As long as the sound of music makes you want to dance, you can easily lift up your mood instantly by dancing.

Dance is one of those things that cost nothing but makes a big difference because it involves moving so many of your muscles.

Dancing is so important for how we feel that many cultures have integrated it into their rituals (religious or secular), celebrations, and processions.

Dancing makes you feel euphoric and clears your mind of worries. Plus, because the movement involves both your brain’s hemispheres, alleviates anxiety.

Do you feel down today? Start dancing! To lift your mood when you feel down, don’t try to do it right, but wild.

If you have certain medical conditions that prevent you from standing up or doing strenuous physical exercise, use a chair and do your wild dance by making slow ample movements with your limbs.

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