7. Take a short fast walk
Most times when you feel down, what makes you feel that way are (not the events in your life but) the perspective from which you look at things.
Every event or situation in your life has positive things about it; you just have to see, notice, and acknowledge that part of things, learn from it, and then, move on.
Because your thoughts make you feel bad, changing how you feel it’s not only a matter of changing the environment but, mostly changing your mind.
When you’re walking, you think less; your mind quiets down, and you have a moment of relaxation and peace.
Did you notice that most people, when fast walking can’t follow their train of thought without stopping from time to time?
When you move fast, your mind runs better because it’s selecting the important things carefully, and separating them for the less significant or thoughts detrimental to you.
8. Stop watching and reading the news
In the most peaceful days, you’re living in a war zone (right in your living room in your pajamas) as soon as you switch on the television or read the paper.
If you don’t believe me, allow me to ask you this: when was the last time you lived a day without seeing a gun or finding out about people (with no connection to you) dying somewhere very far from you?