2. Help others
Altruism is borderline to being selfish because it can give you feelings of satisfaction, joy, being useful, belonging, and the sense that you can make a difference in other people’s lives.
One of the essential secrets of happiness it’s to feel connected to others. Helping others is a contributory factor in building long-lasting and meaningful relationships. Thus, give a helping hand to those in need and feel better instantly.
Altruism can have you double effect on how happy you feel:
- One, for being the person you want to be (which is to be a good person)
- And two, for seeing the people you’re helping overcome their issues.
3. Spend time with loved ones
Could you see yourself more beautiful and amazing as you feel when you look at yourself through the eyes of those who love you?
The story of a teenager:
“Yesterday, we had no electricity. So, I was forced to leave the computer and spend time with my family. Funny, even though they don’t resemble at all my favorite game characters, I’ve discovered they are good people. Imagine that! And they live in my house…”
Those who love you might not always be your obvious choice to get out of a bad mood, but they are (after you)the heroes of your life. Is it not?