Download Z83 Application Form


Who should complete this form?

Only persons wishing to apply for an advertised position in a National or Provincial government department.


  1. All information will be treated with the strictest confidentiality and will not be disclosed or used for any other purpose than to assess the suitability of a person, except in so far as it may be required and permitted by law. Your personal details must correspond with the details in your ID or passport.
  2. Passport number in the case of non-South Africans.
  3. This information is required to enable the department to comply with the Employment Equity Act, 1998.
  4. This information will only be taken into account if it directly relates to the requirements of the position.
  5. The Executive Authority shall consider the criminal record (s) against the nature of the job functions in line with internal information security and disciplinary code.
  6. The applicant may submit additional information separately where the space provided is not sufficient.
  7. Departments must accept certified documents that accompany the application(s) with certification that is up to 6 months unless the advert prescribes a longer period.

Please note:

The Z83 form is to be completed for National Government Departments, and Provincial Government Departments only. Applications for Public Entities, Municipalities, SETA’s, TVET Colleges, Universities, and Universities of Technology do not require the Z83 unless stated on the job post. 

The use of the Z83 form and how to properly fill it in

As daunting as it may be, when applying for South African government department jobs (national and provincial) you are required to fill in a Z83 form that will be accompanied by your detailed CV and supporting documents. Many might ask themselves why they need to fill in a Z83 form when the same information that the form requires is clearly stated on their CV and supporting documents. Well, the form act as an application form for employment, designed to assist government departments in selecting the suitable person for the advertised role.

As of 01 January 2021, the New Z83 form was introduced and has been effective since then. No application made with the old form will be considered. So, it is your duty as an applicant to make sure that the form you are using for your job applications is the newly approved form. You can download the form from the Department of Public Service and Administration, or you can get a copy from your nearest government department.

Click here to read more about the purpose of the Z83.

Effective ways to complete your Z83 application form

Firstly, read the form carefully and fill it accurately. Ensure that your writing is clear because if the recruiters cannot read your handwriting, your application will be rejected. Also, remember to check out spelling mistakes throughout the form and correct them before submitting it.

Section A, B, C & D

Accurately note down the job application number as stated in the job ad and specify which position as well as the department you are applying for including your availability. Double-check your personal and contact details after you have filled out the form to ensure that they are accurate.

Section E, F, and G

Even if you will attach your detailed CV that includes your education, work experience, and references, you will still need to fill in the information on the form. 


Sign and date the declaration section and remember to attach all the necessary documents required.

Once you have filled out all the details on the form, proofread and get a third party to go through your application to identify and rectify errors and then submit it with the required documents to the address stipulated on the job advert.